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Title: A study on distribution and abundance of polychaete (phylum annelida ) in the shallow subtidal zone of Kalong Bay, kemamamn, Terengganu
Authors: Noor Zalika Mohamad
Keywords: Noor Zalika Mohamad
LP 28 PPSMS 1 2014
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Abstract: This study was conducted at Kalong Bay, Kemaman where there were 43 sampling stations. This study was conducted to determine the polychaete present and also determine the abundance and diversity of the polychaete. The most dominant species of polychaete was also determined. The samples were collected, identify and calculated for their abundance and diversity. Univariate and multivariate analysis were calculated, for example density (no. indv/m 2 ), Shannon-Wiener, evenness, Margalef index and Bray-Curtis by using PRIMER software. One-way ANOV A also was calculated using SPSS software. There are 11 order, 32 families and 110 species present. Station 40 has the highest density (1710. no. indv/m 2 ), might due to the sediment grain size and total organic carbon, TOC. Station 39 has lowest density because absent of polychaete.
Appears in Collections:Pusat Pengajian Sains Marin & Sekitaran

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