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Title: Coastal Upwelling At Terengganu And Pahang Coastal Waters:
Other Titles: Interaction Of Hydrography, Current Circulation And Phytoplankton Biomass
Authors: Zuraini, Zainol
Mohd Fadzil, Akhir
Issue Date: 14-Feb-2016
Publisher: Jurnal Teknologi
Citation: Vol.78(8),11-27p.
Abstract: The hydrographic characteristics and current circulation in Terengganu and Pahang coastal waters were examined for their spatial and temporal variability based on the seasonal influence during the transition period (April 2014) and southwest monsoon (June and August, 2014). The results of this study demonstrated the presence of slightly cooler water during June and August, 2014 compared to April, 2014, which indicate the existence of coastal upwelling.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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