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Title: A simple and efficient total genomic DNA extraction method for individual zooplankton
Authors: Hanafiah Fazhan
Khor Waiho
Md. Sheriff Shahreza
Keywords: TGDNA extraction
PCR buffer
Issue Date: May-2015
Publisher: SpringerPlus
Citation: Vol.5(1);
Abstract: Molecular approaches are widely applied in species identification and taxonomic studies of minute zooplankton. One of the most focused zooplankton nowadays is from Subclass Copepoda. Accurate species identification of all life stages of the generally small sized copepods through molecular analysis is important, especially in taxonomic and systematic assessment of harpacticoid copepod populations and to understand their dynamics within the marine community. However, total genomic DNA (TGDNA) extraction from individual harpacticoid copepods can be problematic due to their small size and epibenthic behavior. In this research, six TGDNA extraction methods done on individual harpacticoid copepods were compared. The first new simple, feasible, efficient and consistent TGDNA extraction method was designed and compared with the commercial kit and modified available TGDNA extraction methods. The newly described TGDNA extraction method, “Incubation in PCR buffer” method, yielded good and consistent results based on the high success rate of PCR amplification (82%) compared to other methods. Coupled with its relatively consistent and economical method the “Incubation in PCR buffer” method is highly recommended in the TGDNA extraction of other minute zooplankton species.
ISSN: 21931801
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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