Tourism development in Kilim Geopark had a signifcant impact on the growth of local
businesses and has indirectly increased the living standards of the local community. The sustainability
of tourism products is crucial to increase the number of tourists in the future and to retain the status
of the Geopark. This paper aims to identify the level of tourist satisfaction with the tourism products
offered at Kilim Geopark in terms of natural attraction, services, facilities, and product prices.
Moreover, this paper discusses the extent of eco-tourism product development in the Kilim Geopark
and how to maintain the current level of tourist satisfaction. Based on 341 completed questionnaires,
this study reveals that the majority of tourists are interested in new ecotourism products offered at Kilim
Geopark. However, signifcant differences between the levels of satisfaction arise concerning tourism
products. Non-Malaysian tourists are perceived to be more satisfed compared to Malaysian tourists
based on certain products and selected services. As an emerging tourist attraction, several measures
should be considered to improve the competitiveness while maintaining the future development of
ecotourism products in Kilim Geopark.